[ale] Preferred server dists

Beddingfield, Allen allen at ua.edu
Wed Feb 27 14:14:50 EST 2013

Are you looking for a free distro, or for a commercially supported one?
If commercially supported - I would select SUSE Linux Enterprise without
For free, I would go with either OpenSUSE (despite the shorter lifecycle,
OS upgrades are easy enough with the occasional "zypper dup") or Arch.
SUSE/OpenSUSE will give you Apparmor for some extra security.  Arch will
give you an extremely simple, efficient, and clean setup.

Just my $0.02 worth.
Allen B.
Allen Beddingfield
Systems Engineer
The University of Alabama

On 2/27/13 11:57 AM, "Nolan Voight" <nolan.voight at gmail.com> wrote:

>New web project, setting up a new server for it, no need to carry over
>what I'd set up before. Just making a quick survey--which distribution
>do y'all prefer for a web-facing server? Debian was the most widely
>preferred when I last changed things  several years ago.
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