[ale] Last nights meeting.. Control

Mike Harrison cluon at geeklabs.com
Fri Feb 22 09:39:23 EST 2013

It was a pleasure making it to a physical meatspace ALE meeting last 
nght.. and while recapping what I learned from ya'll back at the office in 
Chattanooga, I realize what everyone was seeking from their distro of 
choice was:  Control.

The degree varied.. I install mostly from binary repo's, others went more 
for direct from source... Even Jim talked of controlling large numbers of 
systems well wil Redhat.

But the theme hits me as: Control.

As opposed to the other OS's and some Linux distro's where they make more 
and more of the decisions for you and take more and more control away.

We are all a bunch of control freaks. ;)

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