[ale] what happens to vm if host reboots

JD jdp at algoloma.com
Mon Feb 18 13:02:36 EST 2013

Oh - folders are an IMAP thing, so if you are using POP still (why?!?!?!?!?!), I
can't help you.   In my situation. folders are created on the email server, then
those are "subscribed" from the multiple clients used.  With K9, I label certain
folders as priority 1, which means sync will happen always with out being explicit.

I have many, many folders and server-side filters managing which messages are
pushed to any specific folder as it arrives.  This means that my view of email
is always the same regardless of which device I'm coming from.

The only difference is that I also use server-side tagging to organize virtual
folders ... but that only works for the webGUI of the email server.  The best
use I've found is for different projects under a single client where the FROM
address isn't enough data to filter perfectly to the correct project folder.
Rather than moving emails around all the time (email organization can take hours
a day sometimes), let the email server handle all of it with a few rules and
virtual folders.

On 02/18/2013 12:42 PM, Ron Frazier (ALE) wrote:
> JD,
> Is there a way to make folders in k9 other than the default in, out, sent,
> trash, draft?  I can't figure out a way.

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