[ale] Any Small USB KVMs that actually.........work?

Neal Rhodes neal at mnopltd.com
Sat Feb 16 21:49:10 EST 2013

Any wisdom regarding USB KVMs for multiple linux servers that actually

I've had reasonable reliability with a PS2 Belkin unit for the last
decade, but now find that I've got to put in a 4 port USB switch for me
and a 2 port USB for my wife. 

I had considerable heartbreak with IoGear units in the last year and
took them back.   I'm reading that quite a few of the basic ones are

All I'm trying to do:

        Switch VGA 1920x1080, Keyboard, Mouse.    (it would be swell if
        I could keep my trusty ps2 keyboard and mouse) 


        HP Netvista running Centos 6.x
        IBM Netvista running older Fedora
        Dell Notebook running Win7

>From what I'm reading, Startech.com seems to be a bit more expensive but
actually work a bit more reliably. 


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