[ale] python question

Shawn taaj.shawn at gmail.com
Wed Feb 13 16:39:56 EST 2013

I'm having some trouble building an egg..

# cat setup.py
#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
from glob import glob
*from setuptools import setup *

# cat setup.cfg
prefix = /raid/mycoolnewsoftware
install-lib = %(prefix)s/webapp

then I run

#python2.6 setup.py bdist_egg
#locate webapp

This builds the egg successfully but the prefix I stated in setup.cfg is
not being used?

Their has to be a simple solution to this, all I want is to change the
install prefix but I cant seem to find the switch (if their is one) in the
docs.. I am the first to admit i don't know diddly squat about python

*- Shawn Taaj*
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