[ale] How to move a running process to screen session

Preston preston.lists at gmail.com
Wed Dec 18 10:07:53 EST 2013

On 12/18/2013 8:53 AM, JD wrote:
> Never got into screen or tmux. Tend to script things, so submitting a batch task
> via "task spooler" automatically logs all output to a file and disconnects from
> the terminal. It also provides control over how many tasks run concurrently -
> queuing other jobs automatically.
> Or am I missing the point completely?
I believe Jim is ssh'ing or puttying into a remote machine.  At least
that is how I mainly use screen (and now tmux).  So instead of keeping
the session alive when he disconnects from one location and running
until he connects at a different location, it dies when he shuts down.

As a side note, I would also like to have some way to move a running
process to a screen/tmux instance since this has happened to me more
than i'd like.


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