[ale] OT: What the hell is XSS in Comcast land?

Alex Carver agcarver+ale at acarver.net
Mon Aug 12 21:16:21 EDT 2013

On 8/12/2013 18:01, Jim Lynch wrote:
> On 08/12/2013 08:32 PM, Alex Carver wrote:
>> Unfortunately Linksys' firmware does not allow port remapping, just
>> 1-to-1 mapping.
> I probably don't understand what you are saying but maybe this is what
> you think is missing??
> http://fdcga.com/images/linksys.png
> Granted the table is limited in size.

Yes, that's what was/(used to be) missing.   It would appear 
Linksys/Cisco finally put it in.  Under the original firmware for my 
versions of the routers (including the last version I saw a few years 
ago) you could not change the port as it transitioned from external to 
internal.  There was only one box for port number, not two, or for some 
configurations you could do a range of ports but not remap.  They must 
have had enough people complain about it.

Either way, OpenWRT has long had a UI similar to that for the same 
purpose.  It wasn't necessary to use iptables even under older versions 
of OpenWRT.  It's hard to show a screen cap of the WhiteRussian version 
because it was a multi-step guided process ("click here, enter this 
value, click next" etc).

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