[ale] OT computer vanity - wanting (needing) more cores

Jason van Gumster jason at handturkeystudios.com
Mon Apr 22 23:42:31 EDT 2013

"Ron Frazier (ALE)" <atllinuxenthinfo at techstarship.com> wrote:

> Ah.  Yes.  That CPU screen looks MUCH better now with 6 graphs instead of 3.
> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/9879631/6%20core%20karma.png
> How would I get a graphical display like that on Linux Mint with Mate?  
> I have the panel cpu monitor widget, but it only shows one graph for the 
> whole CPU, not each individual core.

If you want something up and persistent, I'm a pretty big fan of Conky
(http://conky.sourceforge.net/). Takes some time to configure, but I've grown
quite fond of it (migrated from gkrellm). This is how I've set mine up:


(Yes, that's Flynn, the Doom guy. He gets bloodier the more my CPU works). In
my conf, I didn't need a graph for each core, but I do find it valuable to know
which one(s) are working, relative to an overall graph. Of course, if you want
a graph per core, it's not difficult to do.


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