[ale] how do I - icon starts script starts 4 scripts
Jim Kinney
jim.kinney at gmail.com
Wed Apr 17 21:57:36 EDT 2013
to add a delay, use sleep n where n is a number seconds to pause. You can
use different units from seconds. Man sleep will give a bit more detail.
For fun, you can do a loop in the master script that that just calls the
launch script (same one) over and over and that pulls a conf string based
on the param passed
#!/bin/bash (I always spec /bin/bash so it won't fubar under a reset link
to csh or <shudder>zsh)
# master script
MINNING=<path to mining script> (this is chmod +x)
for i in $(seq 1 ${miners})
${MINNING} ${i}
tail -f <path to logs>/miner*.log
The MINNING script is generically:
# this runs the actual minning process
case $which_one in
1) graphics_param='string of crap for card 1'
log_file='path to output log/miner'${which_one}'.log'
2) graphics_param="second string of graphics crap'
# Now run the script with all the params
<miner binary name> ${graphics_param} ${log_file} &
return 0
So if you get more graphics cards, edit the script and add a new case line
and edit the master and up the counter.
On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 9:35 PM, Ron Frazier (ALE) <
atllinuxenthinfo at techstarship.com> wrote:
> **
> Scott,
> I want to thank you for the very detailed response you gave. This gave me
> enough information to solve the problem. I thought I'd share the solution
> in case others might benefit from it. What I think is useful, is the way
> I've stacked multiple scripts together and attached them to an icon. This
> can be handy whether you're mining or not.
> Here is a simplified version of the MINER1 script that runs the specific
> process for graphic card 1. There will be a MINER2, 3, and 4.
> #!/bin/bash -eu
> # script to start litecoin mining on the first graphic card
> cd ~/cgminer
> export -task-specific-stuff-
> ./cgminer -lots-of-special-parameters-for-gpu1-only-
> echo "Press enter to continue."
> read junk
> I got the -eu part on the bash line from a book, which adds in some
> special error checking for bash.
> The last two lines force the script to pause before closing its window
> until you press enter.
> For MINER2, 3, and 4, I've temporarily commented out all lines except the
> last two, so I can use them for testing.
> Here is the START-MINERS script, which starts each individual miner
> script, in its own separate window, with it's own separate geometry and
> title.
> #!/bin/bash -eu
> # program to start all mining scripts
> cd ~/mining-scripts
> # commands to start the first miner
> mate-terminal --geometry=70x4+1800+100 -t "Miner 1" -e ./miner1 &
> # commands to start the second miner
> mate-terminal --geometry=70x4+1800+250 -t "Miner 2" -e ./miner2 &
> # commands to start the third miner
> mate-terminal --geometry=70x4+1800+400 -t "Miner 3" -e ./miner3 &
> # commands to start the fourth miner
> mate-terminal --geometry=70x4+1800+550 -t "Miner 4" -e ./miner4 &
> echo "Press enter to continue."
> read junk
> I have to use mate-terminal to activate Mint's terminal emulator. The
> --geometry option (mentioned by both you and Brian) sets the window size
> for each MINERx script as well as a location so they all stack up on the
> right of my monitor. The -t option specifies a unique title for each
> window. Each MINERx program is started with the "&" command (also
> mentioned by you and Brian) so the master script keeps on going without
> waiting. For some reason, I had to put the read command at the end of the
> START-MINERS script or the sub scripts never kick off. I have no idea why.
> I'd rather have a delay in the START-MINERS script so it would terminate
> without me pressing a key. I haven't found out how to do that.
> Finally, here's how I created an icon in GNOME to kick off the whole
> enchilada.
> Right click on the desktop, click create launcher, select type:
> application, name: Start Miners, command: mate-terminal -e
> /home/ron/mining-scripts/start-miners, click OK.
> Now, upon clicking this icon, it starts the start-miners script, which in
> turn starts MINER1, 2, 3, and 4, which in turn post 4 terminal windows on
> the screen and run the processes I want them to.
> Very cool.
> Thanks again for the help.
> Sincerely,
> Ron
> On 4/17/2013 3:36 PM, Scott Plante wrote:
> (answers inline)
> > So, my first question is how do I set up a basic script file
> > with these commands in it. I can fill in all the details later.
> >
> > cd ~/cgminer
> > export .....
> > ./cgminer .....
> Yes, you can do that. You'll need to set the execute bit using "chmod +x
> miner1" or "chmod 755 miner1" or similar.
> Usually you'll want to put this as the first line of your script:
> #!/bin/bash
> But it's not strictly necessary. It comes into play usually when you're in
> one shell and the script is written for another, but it's a good habit to
> get into.
> > Also, how do I put comments in the file?
> bash and most Linux shells use # to start comments. Anything after the
> pound on a line is a comment.
> > Now, as I said, the command for each graphics card
> > is unique. So, I need to set up a MINER2, MINER3,
> > and MINER4 scripts, which are customized for the
> > individual graphics cards.
> Well, you could make one script that takes a parameter and use something
> like:
> if [ "$1" = 1 ]; then
> #miner1 specific commands...
> elif [ "$1" = 2 ]; then
> #miner2 specific commands...
> #and so on...
> elif [ "$1" = --all ]
> #I'll come back to this
> else
> echo "USAGE: $0 [--all|miner-num]" 1>&2; exit 1
> fi
> You could also use "case" instead of if/elif/else/fi and that might be
> cleaner. As always, there's more than one way to skin the cat.
> > Finally, I want to create a master script to start all the other
> > 4. Here's the trick. I want the master script to start each of
> > the sub scripts in its own window and continue executing
> > commands in the master script. I don't want the master
> > script to hang waiting for MINER1 to exit before executing
> > MINER2, and so forth.
> >
> > Let's say that the master script is called START-MINERS.
> Well, do you really need separate windows or do you just need parallel
> execution? Generally, you can use the ampersand (&) at the end of a line to
> run that command in the background. If the miner commands have output you
> want to view on the screen, you can start an xterm to open a window for
> each one. I use kde, so I tend to use konsole but for this purpose xterm
> will work or you can check the options for whatever terminal window you
> like to use. In the above script under "--all" where I said I'd come back
> to it, you could put:
> for miner in 1 2 3 4
> do
> xterm -e $0 $miner &
> done
> dollar-zero is the current script so you're re-running the current
> script once each for 1, 2, 3, 4. Although since it's just 4 you might just
> repeat the command four times instead. Or go the other way and have a
> config file that defines each miner instance, but that seems like a
> down-the-road enhancement.
> > Finally, I want to kick off the whole thing from one icon on
> > the desktop which triggers START-MINERS which triggers
> > MINER1, 2, 3, and 4. I don't care if the master script has a
> > terminal window left on the screen or not when it's done.
> > However, when it's finished, there should be 4 active terminal
> > windows on the screen mining on 4 separate graphics cards.
> In kde, you can right-click on the desktop, select "Create new->Link to
> application" and then fill in the boxes. I imagine you can do something
> similar in Gnome.
> > Even better, I'd like the windows to automatically size themselves
> > to a certain size and stack up all in a column on the monitor. Better
> > still, would be to have the whole thing auto start when booting.
> xterm and most X Windows programs accept certain standard options, which
> you can see by running "man X". In this case you can specify the size and
> location with "-geometry". So for example:
> xterm -geometry 80x30+10+10 -e $0 $miner &
> as the xterm command. You could just specify 4 (or however miner
> instances you have) separate xterm commands instead of the "for" loop, or
> you could also do math in the shell based on the miner number. That might
> be more trouble than it's worth, though.
> As to starting automatically on boot, you have the issue of needing to
> be logged in to start the xterms. You'd probably want to send the output to
> a log file for the actual miner commands, then when you login you could
> have a command that starts the xterms with "tail -f logfile" instead of
> actually running the miners directly. In this scenario you'd create an
> /etc/init.d script to start the actual miner processes. You probably want
> to see where you can get with the above before jumping into that.
> > If you can help me with all or part of this puzzle,
> > I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance.
> >
> > Sincerely,
> >
> > Ron
> Well, that should get you started anyway. I typed these commands mostly
> off the top of my head, so there may be some "miner" errors (ha ha). You
> will find the docs for the if/then/elif/else/fi and case/esac under "man
> bash". You can man xterm for details on other options. Reply with more
> specific questions as you get into it, if you need to.
> Scott
> --
> Scott Plante, CTO
> Insight Systems, Inc.
> (+1) 404 873 0058 x104
> splante at insightsys.com
> http://zyross.com
> --
> (PS - If you email me and don't get a quick response, you might want to
> call on the phone. I get about 300 emails per day from alternate energy
> mailing lists and such. I don't always see new email messages very quickly.)
> Ron Frazier770-205-9422 (O) Leave a message.
> linuxdude AT techstarship.com
> Litecoin: LZzAJu9rZEWzALxDhAHnWLRvybVAVgwTh3
> Bitcoin: 15s3aLVsxm8EuQvT8gUDw3RWqvuY9hPGUU
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James P. Kinney III
*Every time you stop a school, you will have to build a jail. What you gain
at one end you lose at the other. It's like feeding a dog on his own tail.
It won't fatten the dog.
- Speech 11/23/1900 Mark Twain
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