[ale] [OT] high visibility keyboards on sale at big lots

Alex Carver agcarver+ale at acarver.net
Tue Apr 2 17:54:53 EDT 2013

On 4/2/2013 14:37, Brian MacLeod wrote:

>> On Tue, Apr 2, 2013 at 4:41 PM, Alex Carver
>> Apple uses D & K keys so you can always use your middle fingers to
>> point to apple home.
> hmm...I challenge the assertion that this is true, at least, for any
> recent era Mac.  All of my current Macs have the indexes on F & J, and
> I also use an older Mac keyboard (circa 2000) that also matches the
> standard.

Well, it's been a great many years since I used a Mac for any extended 
period of time.  I just happen to remember starting to type and having 
gibberish show up because my fingers were off-by-one having homed on the 
D & K index bumps.  They may have wised up and used the standard which 
had far more keyboards in use than Apple keyboards.

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