[ale] Web site to help people become professional Linux System Administrators?

Jeff Hubbs jhubbslist at att.net
Fri Jun 22 16:03:16 EDT 2012

I guess by this point it's not much different from getting a job doing 
Microsoft: 1) Get Red Hat certificate 2) Apply.  Seems there's little 
market outside of the RH vertical.

On 6/22/12 1:13 PM, leam hall wrote:
> Many moons ago I picked up a domain name with the idea of building a
> site to help people move into professional linux. It is my nature to
> help people grow. Unfortunately I've not done much with it. Trying ot
> decide if there's a niche to fill and if so what should go there.
> My real goal is not to duplicate efforts but to collate information,
> provide insight to industry trends, and help answer the "how do I get
> a job doing Linux" question that keeps coming up now and again.
> Thoughts?
> Leam

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