[ale] [OT] Lifespan of Storage Devices

JD jdp at algoloma.com
Sat Jul 28 16:30:22 EDT 2012

On 07/28/2012 03:00 PM, gcs8 wrote:
> Cheap 40tb zfs raidz2 that backs up to crash plan. ~9 tb in and no problems over
> the past ~ year and that includes moving.

You said 9TB out of 40TB.  What happens to the rest of that data at failure?

Actually, a talk on ZFS and raidz2 under Linux would be fantastic!  Are you
available to present?

If you have 6 months to trickle the missing data back, that can work. Does
crashplan have a replacement HDD emergency FedEx service?  I'd hate to think how
long pulling 40TB will take. Looks like you can have them ship you a 1TB HDD
http://support.crashplan.com/doku.php/feature/seed_service  Looks like you can
send them a HDD (might need to request the specific model from them) to seed
your backups too. Very nice.

1 year is good as a start, but how many cloud storage vendors have been alive
more than 10 yrs?  Is S3 that old yet?

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