[ale] Giant storage system suggestions

Alex Carver agcarver+ale at acarver.net
Fri Jul 13 17:40:44 EDT 2012

On 7/12/2012 00:20, gcs8 wrote:
> I built a large zfs pool for my personal use hear at the house, (
> gcs8.org/san ) iscsi has good throughput and you can have a small server
> take care of sharing it out from there. I use freenas and it has served me
> pretty well. I have ~35.6tb after raid z2. The theory for my design was
> that if I lose any hardware I can replace it with what ever sense freenas
> it taking care of my disks not the hardware. If I could change 2 things
> about my setup I would try and get infinaban or at least 10gb eth, and use
> a ssd for cacheing.
> Now I can't afford to keep a second one to rsync to but I do use crash
> plain to back it up, works fine I have 8.7tb backed up with them right now.
> Just my. 02 cents.

This is pretty much what I was thinking about (I had even looked at that 
very Norco enclosure) except for adding the SATA/SAS expander to allow 
more drives to hang off a single SATA/SAS card.  A second or third 
enclosure plus SATA/SAS cables pulled from the first enclosure to the 
others (what's the longest cable available?  I haven't seen external SAS 
connectors.) would give me more physical expansion (as needed) but still 
have only one machine/OS running.

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