[ale] Fwd: Georgia Bill Would Prohibit Subsidies For Municpal Broadband - Slashdot

Steve Brown scbrown3 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 25 17:04:37 EST 2012

On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 4:29 PM, Geoffrey Myers <lists at serioustechnology.com
> wrote:

> Well, I wouldn't say that, as it has changed.  There was a day, when I
> first joined, that an off topic post would be cut down at the knees.  So
> it can happen.  Then again, we're talking late '90s and that seems an
> eternity ago.

Indeed, and, if I remember correctly, the original founder became furious
and left because of such posts. I think most people have chosen the "jump
ship" option because this list has lost hundreds of members. Members who,
in my opinion, had a positive impact on the discussions happening on this

I'll have to look into the filter, because I really do enjoy to read some
of Aaron's post, and he does seem like a nice guy, just a guy with
political Touerette's syndrome. What words should I filter on,
repub-lie-con or copo-rape-tion? :)

-Steve Brown
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