[ale] OT - Looking like SOPA is dead and burried, but PIPA is still in play...

JD jdp at algoloma.com
Mon Jan 16 16:11:22 EST 2012

On 01/16/2012 02:30 PM, Aaron Ruscetta wrote:
> It looks like SOPA (personally dubbed the Spit On Privacy Act) is dead:
> <https://www.examiner.com/computers-in-denver/house-kills-sopa>
> We need to stay vigilant, though, to be sure it stays dead, and also
> focus protest against PIPA (personally dubbed the Pervert IP Act).
> I'm in favor of a full blackout of ALE on the 18th.
> Unfortunately, even when we've blown the heads off of these two
> heinous monsters, there is no doubt that more brain eating, culture
> killing, freedom hating legislative zombies will be endlessly spawned
> by the corporapist media conglomerates. It will take a concerted,
> constant, and global vigil for freedom and free speech and democracy
> and meritocracy on the internet to survive the perpetual threats from
> totalitarian regimes, industrial capitalism and the corporate welfare state.

Aaron, you do realize that many people here work at corporations, right?  We
like to pay our mortgages.  Being paid is a good thing.  Some probably even work
for Turner, TBS, Cox, Comcast, AT&T, or record companies.  Changing the
corporate culture is easier from inside than outside.

OTOH, I don't believe that anyone who can't vote in an election should be
allowed to contribute any money to politics, PACS, lobbyist OR elections.
Companies are not people regardless of what a conservative judicial branch rules.

I don't have a proposal to reduce imported copycat/counterfeit shoes, bags,
clothing, drugs, etc. However, I'd love to hear your proposed solution, assuming
you believe this current law is good for the USA.

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