[ale] possibility of running an NTP server
Stephen R. Blevins
stephen.r.blevins at gmail.com
Thu Jan 12 12:27:02 EST 2012
In addition to pool.ntp.org,
NIST has a list of time servcers http://tf.nist.gov/tf-cgi/servers.cgi#
I personally use Atlanta, GA, for my Windows XP and Linux
Stephen R. Blevins
stephen.r.blevins at gmail.com
On 01/12/2012 02:09 AM, JD wrote:
> On 01/12/2012 01:23 AM, Ron Frazier wrote:
>> Hi JD,
>> I only have 3 computers that are generally on my home network at a time.
>> My Son's is on intermittently, and has Windows Vista set to sync time on
>> the internet. I don't know when and where it does that, but it works for
>> him. My computers are almost always all running Linux at the same time
>> or are all dual booted into Windows at the same time. On the Linux side,
>> I have NTP running as a client on each one. They all access external NTP
>> servers to sync the time. I've been studying the NTPD configuration file
>> extensively today. I found some interesting things I'm going to post in
>> a different message. At the moment, I'm not running any NTP server
>> within my own network. On the Windows side of the fence, I run a little
>> executable from NIST that querys their server at fixed intervals. I
>> think I'm going to try to find an actual NTP client for Windows, so I
>> can use the same external servers I've selected for Linux.
>> Sincerely,
>> Ron
> Windows has a pseudo-NTP client built-in. I force it to sync every 15 minutes
> here to my Linux-based NTPd. Doing it hourly let it drift 5 minutes. "Internet
> Time" is the Windows name for "NTP."
> http://lifehacker.com/5819797/synchronize-your-windows-clock-with-an-alternative-time-server-to-increase-accuracy
> If you are on AD, I think AD controls time (security reasons), so you can't
> redirect elsewhere.
> In the old days before Windows supported NTP, I used a program called "D4" every
> few months. I always thought of it as equiv to "ntpdate".
> Could it be that you are making this much harder than it needs to be?
> Isn't ntpd is both client and server?
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