[ale] raid suggestions

Jim Lynch ale_nospam at fayettedigital.com
Fri Feb 10 04:44:38 EST 2012

On 02/09/2012 04:35 PM, Jeff Hubbs wrote:
> May or may not have true-HW-based RAID available.
> On 2/9/12 3:37 PM, Lightner, Jeff wrote:
>> Hardware based (for true RAID) because it doesn't require CPU cycles.
>> H
Has the concern about the possibility of the hardware controller 
breaking and being out of production been eliminated?  At one time I 
recall the suggestion that using hardware raid was a bad idea because if 
the controller went OTL and there wasn't another available you'd get to 
start from scratch.  I believe this concern was with the controllers on 
the MB however.

That of course can be alleviated by proper backups.  I always thought 
that was somewhat meaningless in a lot of cases 'cause I'd think many 
raid installations were to support a backup set of drives.  Not all, of 
course, but surely that's a common purpose for a raid set.


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