[ale] cannot open -> /proc/####/mem huh ?

Courtney Thomas courtneycthomas at bellsouth.net
Thu Feb 9 09:49:48 EST 2012


Thank you for the clarification. Now, not as disturbing that I was 
unable to attain the
impossible  :-)



On 02/07/12 18:48, Michael H. Warfield wrote:
> On Tue, 2012-02-07 at 11:46 -0500, Courtney Thomas wrote:
>> Jim,
>> As always.... thanks for your reply.
>> You were correct that kvm was apparently attempting to write to /proc~.
>> The puzzle for me is that... there is no /proc/~/mem to which to write,
>> but... apparently this is not permissible by design, as I'm not allowed
>> to change /proc's 555 permissions.
>> Can /proc's permissions be changed from 555 to, say, 755, and if so how;
>> for when I attempt this I get the error that "this is not supported" ? I
>> must say, though, that /proc is the only subdir in it's dir whose
>> permissions are not set 755.
> It will not help.  /proc/.../mem is special and there was recently a
> security advisory on how it was handled in 2.6.29 and above (2.6.26 if
> you are on RedHat 6.2 / CentOS 6.2 / SL 6.2).  Permission to write
> to /proc/.../mem was only recently enabled at all and then restricted to
> some very specific circumstances (self and certain tracing / debugging
> functions).  Unfortunately, the handling of those circumstances proved
> to be flawed resulting in an escalation of privilege by a local user on
> the system, which Linus then quickly fixed.
> http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git;a=commitdiff;h=e268337dfe26dfc7efd422a804dbb27977a3cccc
> http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9223675/Linux_vendors_rush_to_patch_privilege_escalation_flaw_after_root_exploits_emerge
> https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2012-0052.html
> https://www.redhat.com/security/data/cve/CVE-2012-0056.html
> In kernel space, we do not honor permissions, we enforce them.  If the
> code path says "if foo then return error = EPERM" your screwed no matter
> what you set the permissions to.
> If you want to read a really detailed analysis of what it takes to
> exploit this and just how convoluted these exploits can be you can check
> out this blog posting here (includes a link to proof of concept exploit
> code)...
> http://blog.zx2c4.com/749
>> More mystifyingly... there are other entries that ARE written to in
>> /proc's subdirs. Huh ? I assumed, apparently wrongly, that if a dir's
>> permissions disallowed writing, then it's subdirs would also not allow
>> writing.
>> I am also disallowed from changing proc's 'chown'.
>> Finally, when I -  cat /proc/version -  I get that Linux is version
>> 2.6.16. Does this tell you anything ?
>> Bedazzled and befuddled, as usual  :-)
>> Courtney
>> On 02/06/12 19:27, Jim Kinney wrote:
>>> The first looks like kvm thinks it should be doing something. If you
>>> aren't running a kvm based server, disable kvm.
>>> The sendmail issue os literally the daemon can't write the file.
>>> Either disk full or permission error.  For unknown reasons sometimes
>>> the var/mail becomes not gtoup writeable. A perm change fixed it and
>>> it didn't reappear.
>>> On Feb 6, 2012 1:13 PM, "Courtney Thomas"
>>> <courtneycthomas at bellsouth.net<mailto:courtneycthomas at bellsouth.net>>
>>> wrote:
>>>      What is the significance of this error which is regularly appearing in
>>>      /var/log/messages along with.....
>>>                      kvm_getenvv
>>>      failed ?
>>>      This is apparently aroused by gnome's "console-kit-daemon"
>>>      ______________________________________________________________________________________________
>>>      I'm also getting what I assume is a sendmail complaint as follows:
>>>          sm-mta cannot write .q###############: permission denied.
>>>      How can I resolve this as well, pleasely,
>>>      C.Thomas
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