[ale] Stupid Question Time

mike at trausch.us mike at trausch.us
Fri Feb 3 00:30:45 EST 2012

On 02/02/2012 11:20 PM, Michael Nolan wrote:
> I can't figure out how I did this.
> While working on fixing a Seagate 7200.11 BSY error fix, I attached
> and mounted a drive from a HP Windows machine that had two partitions
> on it using Mount Manager (*I think*)
> This machine has a 120 GB SSD and 2 terabyte WD Caviar Black and a
> popgplug mount point mounted in /media
> I mounted the two partitions from the Seagate 7200.11 drive as sdc1
> and sdc2 in /media  and copied all the data off them to the 2GB drive.
> After I got the data off the drives, I logged off and shut down and
> pulled the drive. The mount points for the partitions remains in
> /media along with the 2 GB drive and popgoplug.

If the mount points are empty, it is safe to simply use the rmdir
command on them.  When you shutdown sometimes (depending on the method
you use to actually shut down and whether or not it is "friendly" to the
GUI system's automatic mount helper) they remain behind.  They will do
no harm if they are left there, though.

You should of course verify that they are empty.  Then again, "rmdir"
will holler at you if they aren't.

	--- Mike

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