[ale] [ANNC] ALE-NW at SPSU MTG. for Thurs., Nov. 10, 7:30pm
Aaron Ruscetta
arxaaron at gmail.com
Sat Oct 29 17:54:07 EDT 2011
The next ALE-NW at SPSU meeting is being held
Thursday, Nov. 10th, 7:30pm in room J110
of the Atrium (J) building on the SPSU campus.
The thematic banner for the meeting is
with discussions focused on the practical considerations of data
backup through some compare and contrast overviews of a few
of the popular backup tools from the Linux / FLOSS universe.
Scheduled talking points include:
* Backup Religion - Get Saved Before Your Data Apocalypse
* Rsync
* Rdiff-backup
* Visit Snapshot City with Back-In-Time
* Duplicity
* Amanda
With Presenters:
* JD Pflugrath
* Aaron Ruscetta
* David Tomaschik
If you aren’t happy with your current backup solutions, one
of our featured tools will probably fit your needs nicely.
For a campus map and a link to directions please see
<http ://www.spsu.edu/visitspsu/campusmaps/index.htm>
Parking in non reserved spaces in the P60 deck is best.
building J, the Atrium building, is a short distance east
of the parking deck.
ALE-NW at SPSU meetings are open events and we hope
you will join us! Also remember that topic suggestions
and presentation offers the meetings can be emailed to
[ jdp (at) algoloma ]
ALE-NW will NOT have a meeting for December, so
this will be the last meeting of 2011.
Info above is also posted at <http://ale.org>
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