[ale] [semi-OT] Stop Corporate Censorship of the Internet

arxaaron arxaaron at gmail.com
Wed Nov 30 18:02:13 EST 2011

On 2011/11/30, at 13:49 , Geoffrey Myers wrote:

> Charles Shapiro wrote:
>> Mr. Ruscetta is entirely correct in his characterization in this  
>> case.
>> I have worked for the blood-sucking corporapists at Time-Warner,  
>> and I
>> can assure you that even from the inside these people are disgraceful
>> and greedy.  The real crime is that they are also confused and  
>> stupid.
>> That makes them willing to do any crazy thing to the internet and to
>> our freedoms in order to preserve their $millions of year salaries.
> I don't think Ray was disputing the legislative issue.  He's pointing
> folks to an alternative for speaking your mind on this issue.
> Personally, I would expect the EFF to be the right place to voice your
> opinion on this subject.  This is, after all, what EFF is all about.
>> -- CHS

The EFF link for contacting congress critters is certainly an option,
but I don't see how it can be an effective one.

Unfortunately, the corporapists have pushed the legislation past
the point where EFF and emailing our reps can do a lot of good,
especially since Georgia's 2 Senators have proven themselves to
be freedom hating cheerleaders for the corporapists in every vote
since they were installed in office.

This "Pimp Intellectual Perfidy" bill could come up for a vote on
the Senate floor at any time, and the filibuster by progressive
patriots is the strongest option we the people now have for
stopping the attack on our civil liberties.  With all the corporate
puppet fascists that have been installed in the House by the
rabidly retarded and self destructive teabagger terrorists, the
lunatic fringe props for the 1% have a small majority there which
guarantees that our freedoms and constitutional rights will never
be defended in that half of the congress.  Pretty clear by now
that the President is nothing but another spineless front man
for the extremist right wing agenda as well, so I don't think we can
reasonably expect the needed veto from that pathetic puppet.

If we want to effectively defend freedom of speech at this stage,
I think it's pretty clear that we need to add our names here in
support of the filibuster plan:



>> On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 8:42 PM, Raylynn Knight <seca900rider at gmail.com 
>> > wrote:
>>> I seldom agree with Aaron when it comes to politics, but I believe  
>>> this proposed legislation is the one mentioned by EFF @ https://eff.org/r.C8A 
>>>  and I would prefer people use that link to protest.
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Nov 29, 2011, at 1:09 PM, Aaron Ruscetta <arxaaron at gmail.com>  
>>> wrote:
>>>> The blood sucking corporapists are once again attacking
>>>> our U.S. Constitution, our Freedom of Speech, the Internet
>>>> and Fair Use. Sign the petition to call a stop to this fascist
>>>> rape of America and theft of our Civil Liberties:
>>>> <https://pol.moveon.org/nointernetcensorship/?id=33343-17936664-jZKvLzx&t=2 
>>>> >
>>>> The legislation would allow the immediate shutdown of entire
>>>> URL blocks based on any unsubstantiated whims of corporate
>>>> media monopolists, leeching copyright hoarders and putrid
>>>> patent trolls.
>>>> peace
>>>> aaron
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