[ale] PGP / GPG Keysigning party... Upload your key now!

David Tomaschik david at systemoverlord.com
Fri Nov 18 15:38:08 EST 2011

On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 12:41 PM, JD <jdp at algoloma.com> wrote:
>> What are the general guidelines for proof of identification?  I know
>> that a lot of people have passports, though I do not.  Should I bring
>> extra things over and above my driver's license, such as bank account
>> records or something, or would my state-issued license be good enough
>> for this type of thing?
> ID requirements are a personal thing. Whatever you decide is "good enough."
> Some people will sign a key after seeing 1 form of ID plus a credit card with
> the same name on it. Is that sufficient proof?
> Don't feel pressured to sign anyone's keys.  Whatever you decide is "sufficient
> proof of identity" is good enough.
> If you don't feel comfortable signing my key for any reason, I won't be hurt. It
> is all good.  Similarly, don't be hurt if I elect to not sign your key.
> I will bring 2 forms of government photo ID.

The only thing I'd like to add to this is -- be reasonable in your
expectations.  I once had someone at a keysigning demand notarized
birth certificate PLUS 2 forms of current government issued-id.  I'm
not bringing all that.

I like to see 1 Government ID + 1 anything else (school ID,
credit/debit card, etc.).  I will most likely bring 2 government IDs,
which I hope will suffice for most people.

David Tomaschik, RHCE, LPIC-1
System Administrator/Open Source Advocate
OpenPGP: 0x5DEA789B
david at systemoverlord.com

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