[ale] Linux swap space vs hibernate, power shutdown settings

David Tomaschik david at systemoverlord.com
Sat Nov 5 21:27:26 EDT 2011

On 11/05/2011 09:00 PM, Jim Kinney wrote:
> try setting the system to hibernate when battery is low. Hibernate
> uses the same power as system-off, i.e. none. Suspend is save to ram
> which will croak when the power does fail.
> To hibernate, you need swap = ram + used swap at the point of hibernate.

I believe that Ron's point was based on a belief that shut-down takes
less time than hibernate, and is thus more likely to complete before
your UPS dies.  For his use case, this may be correct.


David Tomaschik, RHCE, LPIC-1
System Administrator/Open Source Advocate
OpenPGP: 0x5DEA789B
david at systemoverlord.com

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