[ale] Where to get some Hard Drive mounting screws?

Michael H. Warfield mhw at WittsEnd.com
Tue Mar 15 15:42:15 EDT 2011

On Tue, 2011-03-15 at 11:29 -0400, Derek Atkins wrote: 
> "Michael H. Warfield" <mhw at WittsEnd.com> writes:
> >> According to my Chasis Manual (which I found online last night), it's a
> >> flat-head 6-32 5mm screw.  See http://www.ihtfp.org/screw-page.pdf which
> >> is a copy of the page from the manual that has all the screws on it.
> >
> >> It's being a pain finding something like this!
> >
> > Ah.  You're looking for these babies...
> >
> > http://www.wittsend.com/mhw/images/P3150002.jpg
> Yes, although the heads on mine appear to be thinner than that.  But I
> suspect those would work.

It's interesting that you say those have been so hard to find.  I know
people on this list will vary but those seem to be my 3rd most common
screw laying around here (not counting the "what the hell is in there"
bin).  Behind only 6/32 hex heads and M3 flange heads.

Knowing this crowd, you are just as likely as not to be up to your
eyeballs in 6/32 flat heads at the next meeting whether I show up with
any or not.  However, considering that it is a topic near and dear to my
heart (as the speaker now cringes) I shall most likely be there and I
will bring some if I am.  Bring a sample so we can compare.  I've got a
few M3 flat heads as well but they're no where near as common.  The
landscape seems to be pretty much covered by either 6/32's or M3's (with
a few 8/32's for some older case covers) as far as thread goes and a
variety of heads.

Don't rely on me making it, though.  I have been known to miss meetings
even after committing.  I even missed an ALE meeting I was suppose to
speak at!  I broke my leg.  Which is a damn better excuse than Tod Lewis
had (inside joke for those of us where involved in ALS years ago).

> -derek

Michael H. Warfield (AI4NB) | (770) 985-6132 |  mhw at WittsEnd.com
   /\/\|=mhw=|\/\/          | (678) 463-0932 |  http://www.wittsend.com/mhw/
   NIC whois: MHW9          | An optimist believes we live in the best of all
 PGP Key: 0x674627FF        | possible worlds.  A pessimist is sure of it!
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