[ale] More Lightscribe for Linux

Scott Castaline skotchman at gmail.com
Sun Jul 10 23:06:16 EDT 2011

On 07/10/2011 08:42 PM, Jim Kinney wrote:
> Pretty sure epson makes an ink jet that can print on optical media. 
> Epson (and HP) are pretty well supported on Linux. The media is not as 
> costly as lightscribe media and multicolored labels look good.
> I still use stick on labels as I'm too cheap to by another printer.
I remember reading someplace way back that stick on labels can throw the 
disk off-balance possibly causing damage to the optics or disk itself. I 
was never able to confirm that but I had stopped using stick on labels. 
Anyone have any opinions on this? If this does turn out to be a wife's 
tale I may return to doing the same thing as Jim K.

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