[ale] Internship

Richard Faulkner rfaulkner at 34thprs.org
Fri Jul 8 20:04:59 EDT 2011

Hey, welcome to the club!  

Join a LUG (I like ALE) and participate in Installfests, ITT events
(Wolf posts in this space regarding those events!), monthly meetings.
Convert your friends and family, start reading LXF (Linux Format - they
are running a series with working toward LPI Certification if I'm not
mistaken).  Kiss hands, shake babies...or was it shakes hands and kiss
babies (I could never get that right).  Read, study, build, evangelize,
prophesy, home brew beer (it's a roll your own "DIY" world you know!)
Make friends and find someone to take you under their wing.  Become a
Padawan (but stay away from the "dark-side").  Get creative because the
guy (or gal) who will hire you in the future is going to hire you for
who you are (personally) and the great things that they believe you will
(and can) bring to the table.  Find the people doing what you want to do
and stick close to them.  (Which is why you posted here eh?)

Please forgive the flipant rant but I'm in crash dump mode after getting
home from work...

May the Source be with you and happy hunting........Rich in Lilburn

-----Original Message-----
From: jesse james <yoshi_mush_room at yahoo.com>
Reply-to: jesse james <yoshi_mush_room at yahoo.com>, Atlanta Linux
Enthusiasts <ale at ale.org>
To: ale at ale.org <ale at ale.org>
Subject: [ale] Internship
Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2011 15:43:04 -0700 (PDT)

Does anyone know about any internships that will boost my Linux skills
(LAMP or Security)? As it is now, I am lacking experience to become a
Linux Administrator. 

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Ale at ale.org

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