[ale] need some Evolution email magic

Ron Frazier atllinuxenthinfo at c3energy.com
Fri Jan 21 10:18:15 EST 2011

Hi all,

I have two scenarios that I need help with re evolution email, which I
just recently converted to.  The scenarios are listed below.

I've heard comments both online and from some local people that
Evolution has some serious bugs.  I believe it lost 1000 or so of my
messages (from mailing lists), but I couldn't possibly tell you what I
was doing or how it happened.  Since then, it seems to be working OK.  I
use some moderately advanced filtering and get tons of messages, on the
order of 10,000 / month, most of which are shuffled into a folder.
Given that, and the usage patterns I mention below, I'd like your
opinion as to whether this is the best email client to use.  I used to
use Eudora, and it let me do very advanced filtering and complex multi
column sorting.  For example, I could sort mail by read/unread first,
then priority, then date.

Any help is greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advance.



1) I have two computers, Dell and TAZ, both downloading messages from my
separate but duplicate pop accounts.  POP account 1 copies all its
messages to POP account 2.  I want to have duplicate messages on each
computer, and I want them stored locally, which is why I'm not using
IMAP.  TAZ has been running evolution slightly longer than Dell, and has
more messages accumulated.

     A) I want to archive all the TAZ messages that are older than the
ones on Dell, then erase them from TAZ.  I have to be able to get them
back later if desired.  I get LOTS of messages from mailing lists.  I
have 13,000+ in my mailing lists folder on Dell since Dec 8.  TAZ has
more, maybe twice as many.

     B) I spent a good deal of time customizing the folders on Dell, as
well as filters.  I want to erase the evolution configuration on TAZ,
and then duplicate the configuration on Dell to TAZ, except that TAZ
logs into a different email account.  If I can, I want to duplicate the
messages and their folder locations from Dell to TAZ.  If not, I at
least want to duplicate the folders, filters, and configuration from
Dell to TAZ.

     C) Once I get the two computers synchronized with the same
messages, filters, and folders, and configuration, then they can each go
about their business, downloading mail.  I don't care if they remain
totally synchronized or not.  I just would rather not have to recreate
all the filters and folders on the second system.


2) I get a number of routine messages from senders that I've given my
address, such as Verizon (ie - your bill is ready, etc.).  I want them
to come into my inbox, and I want to see them.  However, after I've seen
them, I no longer need them in the inbox in general.  On a typical day,
depending on the time of the month, I might get mails from Verizon,
Geico, Borders, Barnes and Noble, Best Buy, Solar Thermal Magazine, etc.
There may by 5-15 per day.  After a few days, the inbox gets crowded.
However, it's quite a pain to move each message to it's individual
folder every day.

I want to set up filters for each message that will move them to their
proper folders.  However, I only want the filters to activate when I
manually select the messages and start the filter.  I do not want the
filters to run automatically on incoming mail.  So, every two weeks or
so, I would select all the read messages hanging around in the inbox,
and activate the filter, and they would vanish to their specific
folders, if rules are defined for each individual message.  Any messages
which did not have rules would remain.   On Eudora, I could set up rules
for incoming, outgoing, or manual modes, and any combination of them.  I
haven't figured out how to do that with Evolution.

What would be even better, is if I could have the filter run
automatically each day, and run only against all the read messages over
1-2 weeks old.  Then, I never have to touch it.  I specifically do not
want my incoming mail filters to run in this context, only the manually
activated filters.


(PS - If you email me and don't get a quick response, you might want to
call on the phone.  I get about 300 emails per day from alternate energy
mailing lists and such.  I don't always see new messages very quickly.)

Ron Frazier

770-205-9422 (O)   Leave a message.
linuxdude AT c3energy.com

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