[ale] cpu load 8.5 on usb to usb move

Michael B. Trausch mike at trausch.us
Fri Feb 25 17:53:28 EST 2011

On Fri, 2011-02-25 at 17:48 -0500, Jim Kinney wrote:
> load means number of process waiting for service. Since the USB
> transfer process locks out other process from running while it does a
> request to fetch, fetch, slurp into RAM, request to put, put, verify
> put, other process line up and have to wait. The USB copy is a nasty
> beast on systems. 

If memory serves, USB 3.0 will take care of that---devices in it are
supposed to be a bit more intelligent than in USB 2.0 and prior.

I still don't know why IEEE 1394 didn't win over USB...

	--- Mike

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