[ale] Ubuntu Linux Defrag EXT4

Paul Cartwright ale at pcartwright.com
Mon Sep 13 10:41:26 EDT 2010

On Mon September 13 2010, Richard Faulkner wrote:
>        Okay...and for those who are new to the GNU world (on this
> level)...me for one...
I'm not new to either DOS defrag OR unix/linux:) but I'm always learning 
something new:)
>  Paul:  You're doing a defrag operation on a mounted drive?  I've done this
> a billion times I swear on M$ but not Linux (don't feel a need to).  Am I
> correct in thinking that to do an actual defrag on Linux you need to
> unmount the drive in question and do the operation from a bootable disc? 
> Am I reading this correctly that your doing a disk fragmentation check on a
> mounted drive and it "no-likey" that because it is mounted?
The way I read his statement, and I quote:
I found out recently that you can see exactly what's fragmentated
with one command.

it tells you what is fragmented, I didn't think it DID try to actually 
defrag.. As I recall, all the answers it said "NO", so it didn't actually DO 
anything, but I may be wrong..
I used to select & fix single inode errors on an HD way back in the 
command-line UNIX days, so I am well aware of mounting issues.
I was just noting my errors in what I thought was a clean filesystem!
It has always bothered me that every time I reboot I ALWAYS get that wonderful 
line: it has been 200X days since a reboot, a fsck is required... so I go 
away for coffee & come back 15 minutes later..

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800
Registered Ubuntu User #12459

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