[ale] dish vs direct +AT&T

Joshua L. Davis simplehuman at gmail.com
Sat Oct 16 19:27:54 EDT 2010

I had stupid problems with Direct TV's DVRs.  I had to have three different
ones sent out and the software was just lame.  Then when I canceled my
service due to their lameness they still charged me the stupid fee.  So I'm
completely against Direct TV.  Call me biased.

As for AT&T - I've been using UVerse and I've been surprisingly pleased.


On Sat, Oct 16, 2010 at 5:49 AM, Paul Cartwright <ale at pcartwright.com>wrote:

> I was thinking ( shudder..) about switching to AT&T for ISP/DirecTV
> bundle..
> right now I have Atnexus & DISH. But recently there happens to be an ISSUE
> with DISH, they are having FOX network problems. I signed up for an extra
> package for $5 a month, to include the sports channels, SportsSouth Fox
> Sports. the VERY DAY I signed up, Fox pulled the channels from DISH. AND
> there is talk that they may also pull the regular Fox network channel on
> Nov
> 1. I haven't called back to cancel the upgrade, even though I never got the
> channels, and I am considering my options.
>  The reason I left AT&T as an ISP was they had blocked my domain email from
> getting to me. So I switched ISP & domain host at the same time. Would I
> have
> an issue sending mail through AT&T  to my domain? anything else I should
> consider/be aware of??
> any other Direct vs Dish issues?? AT&T issues?
> see also:
> http://getwhatipaidfor.com/home
> and from the Dish side:
>  We know your channels are important to you, which is why we will continue
> to
> provide you with updates on the status of our negotiations with FOX
> Networks.
>  Although negotiations are ongoing, DISH Network has yet to receive a
> proposal
> from FOX that would equal anything but an overly excessive rate increase.
> In
> fact, FOX refused an extension to keep the channels on the air while
> negotiations continue.
>  Now FOX is threatening to block its local TV stations in many markets if
> Network does not agree to their demands.
>  In this economy, we feel a strong obligation to protect our customers from
> unreasonable expenses like what FOX is demanding. We will continue to work
> toward a fair agreement and we thank you for your patience and support
> while
> negotiations continue.
>  Thank you for being a valued DISH Network customer.
>  Sincerely,
>  DISH Network
> --
> Paul Cartwright
> Registered Linux user # 367800
> Registered Ubuntu User #12459
> http://usdebtclock.org/
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Joshua L. Davis
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