[ale] A Real Sad Loss for Open Source in the Atlanta Area

Michael B. Trausch mike at trausch.us
Fri Oct 15 13:23:37 EDT 2010

On Fri, 2010-10-15 at 10:54 -0400, Derek Atkins wrote:
> Ah, but you just hit the nail on the head.  The users already know how
> to use MS/Excel because that's what they've already been exposed to.
> They don't have the time to learn something new; they need to get off
> the ground running.
> Let's start training our younger people in Linux and OOo and then the
> next generation of workers will have a choice! 

The problem is that only perpetuates the "wrong" (by "wrong" here, I
mean, less useful and less efficient) mode of thinking in the next
generation.  Perhaps we should be teaching them not to memorize every
single bloody detail, but teaching them to memorize a framework from
which new knowledge and information can be derived.

Then they could use anything.  Literally, anything.

	--- Mike

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