[ale] Boot issues - OR - why Mafia$oft hurts/disappoints everyone endlessly

Chris Fowler cfowler at outpostsentinel.com
Sun Nov 28 21:32:14 EST 2010

On Sun, 2010-11-28 at 21:19 -0500, Michael H. Warfield wrote:
> Aaron, we are just going to have to agree to disagree at this point.
> While I totally agree that this two drive configuration is probably a
> contributing factor here, it's not all of the story, at least not in
> my
> mind, not yet.  Did you (any of you) even bother to look at and read
> that screen shot she posted?  Something is not right there.  I know
> how
> that shit works and it did not work there.  It loaded a kernel and
> could
> not find the bloody root fs.  If it recognizes the drives and the
> partitions, it's going to find them.  This was not grub getting
> confused!  Grub loaded the bloody kernel and presumably (though that's
> one question in doubt) found and loaded the bloody initramfs.  That
> kernel was loaded and could not find the root fs.  I've seen this
> problem (though NOT in large TB+ SATA drives - only in smaller IDEs).
> I'm NOT CONVINCED.  I do not believe we have a definitive answer here
> about what the problem is and that makes the rant more than a little
> premature. 

I would boot up on a LiveCD and make sure Ubuntu could mount the

I would then modify the group entry to specify the root as hd1,0 instead
of those darn UUID names :)

If that does not work it may be possible that the initramfs does not
have the proper driver loaded for the hardware.

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