[ale] CAC Smart cards or similiar for Linux

Mike Harrison cluon at geeklabs.com
Mon Nov 22 15:20:07 EST 2010

I trying to figure out how to use CAC (Common Access Control) or similiar 
smart cards for an access control to a web system. There are some 
MS-Specific solutions, but I'm looking for something that works well with 
a Linux server and MS or Linux clients running FireFox.

Specifically, I'd love to find a "Package" of a few hundred "cards"
or "USB Tokens", a card/token creator/writer and the server side 
components that all work together.

I'm trying to add a physical '3rd factor' to accessing a special web 
application. We are already using client certs... but some people want 
even more.  A USB Key or CAC card would be perfect.

Any clues, or are we in the famous: "built it from scratch yourself"

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