[ale] best cross platform development evironment

Jim Kinney jim.kinney at gmail.com
Mon Nov 8 13:36:31 EST 2010

Oh crap! Jeff and I agree again on something!

On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 1:26 PM, Lightner, Jeff <jlightner at water.com> wrote:

> The first reply to the C# suggestion merely said that if one has qualms
> about Oracle/Java then MS/C# would not likely be a solution.
> It was the post that said "get over it" that changed the tone of the
> posts.
> If all one has is "cutesy" names by opponents as one's raison d'etre
> then it  shows an inability to argue on a logical basis.  Once you start
> attacking the person rather than the argument you've shown your own
> arguments to be invalid.
> As for me I've noted the irony before of Open Source folks embracing
> Apple given that it requires proprietary hardware to run its OS unlike
> MS.   I had noted previously on this list that years ago many of us that
> were doing DOS (yes DOS) and Windows disliked Apple for this very
> reason.
> Positions evolve over time.   I once loved SCO because like MS it would
> run on almost any PC using x86 and was making my living for me.
> Similarly, I didn't always dislike M$ - My opinion of them started to
> change when they came out with Windows NT with the stated intention of
> taking the place of UNIX.   As a UNIX Admin I was not likely to embrace
> that position.   Windows has never seemed a good substitute for X
> Windows to me.   All NT really succeeded in killing was Novell Netware.
> Also MS essentially gave away MS office (or more exactly reportedly
> forced PC manufacturers to bundle it if they wanted the OS) in order to
> kill very good applications like WordPerfect and Lotus 123.  Once they
> became dominant they no longer gave it away and they've done what they
> could to make it closed to working with other vendors' apps.  Having
> read many accounts of the way they do business and seeing both the US
> and the EU start actions against them for antitrust is all I need to
> form an opinion.   If an overarching desire to make money in ways that
> are not allowed in agreements they've signed as well as regulations and
> laws preventing such methods leads me to say "M$" then I will free to do
> so.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ale-bounces at ale.org [mailto:ale-bounces at ale.org] On Behalf Of
> Jerald Sheets
> Sent: Monday, November 08, 2010 12:25 PM
> To: Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts
> Subject: Re: [ale] best cross platform development evironment
> Hash: SHA1
> On Nov 8, 2010, at 12:09 PM, James Sumners wrote:
> >  They've just been about fallacies
> > proven incorrect because some people can't get over the fact that MS
> > created the easiest answer to the question.
> How do you think I feel on this list when it comes to Apple solutions?
> I understand your position, and I'm in the same place on the Apple side.
> I recognize my peril and choose to play there for the case of
> experience.  When it comes to my servers, I go Linux all the way.  I'm
> not as willing as some of us to become what is essentially communist in
> ideology, but as I tell my employers, "You're going to find out about me
> that I don't like to spend money.  Whenever possible, in each and every
> case, Free and Open is the way to go if business cases permit it.  It is
> the best solution for every situation I can imagine"
> I think the overall point is, though, that you cannot trust a for-profit
> to "do the right thing" if push ever comes to shove.  Those products, by
> all appearances, may not be encumbered now, but they are also not GPL.
> At some point in the future, Offending Company X can decide to take
> their ball and go home making this entire argument fallacious.
> When everything in that block of code becomes an actual, verifiable (and
> able to stand up in court) LICENSE such as the GPL, then you trust that
> entity at your own peril.
> #!/jerald
> Linux User #183003
> Ubuntu User #32648
> Version: 3.1
> GIT/MU d-@ s++(++)>+++:> a+ C++++(+++)$>++ UBLAVHSC++(on)$>++++
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> !K-- w(--)>--- O()@> M++(++)$>++ V()>- PS+++()@>-- PE(++)@>+ Y+(+)@>+
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> r+++(+++)@>+++ y+(+++)>++++@
> - ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (Darwin)
> MSFXb9CiV0UIDdcOGcK7nwwA2QpeO78CQFJnJ3qSFUQ1xSUwSFZ0bldNnVg/heBI
> Cn+PkxxaFFvefk0Q9f8GgGQXvMcRUa9dcsPcZydlQp0LGAFd5dYMSdaOmjPoDDBI
> rjBEMOifOngFav18i0kt8D9QLlfOk31XACWBI5azMI06H+BqIRUpTHPUgQaJ3kAq
> AhMTC1o1k1CV4ZCgW9HLfhu//vdmZSgdEHjPMwb/Wsz+SskKOboP1o4DRMqPI4Cn
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> =qJeI
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James P. Kinney III
I would rather stumble along in freedom than walk effortlessly in chains.
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