[ale] best cross platform development evironment

Tim Watts tim at cliftonfarm.org
Mon Nov 8 09:39:05 EST 2010

Perhaps some questions will help:

What type of agnosticism(s) does it need? File system, GUI,
interprocess, database, all the above?

Do you want cross-platform for ease of development or ease of

Will this run on-demand or in the background?

I'm assuming you've rationally eliminated other possibilities such as a
web app, perl, etc. [ note that I've eliminated C# for you. you're
welcome. :-) ]

If oracle gets all pay-to-play with Java (which I think would be market
suicide) there's always Harmony: http://harmony.apache.org/

If your demands aren't too specialized and you're ONLY targeting windows
& Linux the choice will probably come down to what you're most
comfortable/familiar with. So you're sure Mac, Android, others aren't
likely enter the mix?

On Mon, 2010-11-08 at 08:10 -0500, Geoffrey Myers wrote:
> Trying to decide on the best cross platform development environment. 
> Right now, considering Java, C++ and QT.
> Concerns about Java because of who now owns it.
> Have to develop an application that will run on both Windows desktops 
> and Linux desktops.
> Insights, suggestions?

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