[ale] VOTING ALERT: Protect Your Freedom to Work!
aaron at pd.org
Wed Nov 3 16:07:34 EDT 2010
On 2010/11/02, at 10:18 , Jim Kinney wrote:
> good point of the reversed language between the actual
> bill and the voters view. That's a bad thing to have happen
> and it certainly appears deliberately deceptive.
Which should be reason enough in and of itself to vote it down.
Likewise, seeing how every vacuous teabagger talking point
and every repub-lie-con party plank is either blatant, self
destructive, incendiary insanity or a repetitively perpetuated
40 year old fraud of political misdirection that has only ever
lead to war mongering, freedom killing, constitution burning
and corporate criminal bankruptcy SHOULD be reason enough
for the duped purveyors of this ignorance to consider crawling
in a hole and blowing their brains out (assuming they have
any level of integrity with their vocal support of the death
penalty, their addiction to murder weapons and their role with
installing George "mini Hitler" Bush to a second term after his
insidious, 10 trillion dollar, deficit exploding invasion of Irag
had been fully exposed as the death machine, torture regime,
oil theft scam that every intelligent human on the planet knew
it to be long before the Fox Nazi Network helped terrorize
the national teabagger turkey rafter into allowing our
mercenary military commence with the bayonetting of
brown babies).
> I find the connotation of "jack boots" and "brown shirts" as
> disturbing as gas chambers, bombings and lynchings.
> All are things I don't wish anyone's children to have any
> direct knowledge of.
Well, here are the jack booted thugs in action:
Now imagine that it's YOUR defenseless daughter that
the rabid gang of brown shirt cowards is pushing to the
ground and kicking into a concussion.
If you are complicit in supporting known mass murderers
and war criminals, you are a mass murderer and a war
If you are bearing the standard of affiliation with racist,
hate mongering, jack booted, brown shirt, fascist puppets
of the blood sucking corpo-rapist elites, then you are a racist,
hate mongering, jack booted, brown shirt, fascist puppet
of the blood sucking corpo-rapist elites.
When those are the roles that you are serving, you should
stop pretending surprise when you are held accountable
to your actions. Stop hiding your agenda behind the phony
descriptions of Georgia ballot initiatives. Stop burying
the truth beneath the delusional fraud and contradiction
that your espoused intent somehow justifies the real
world death and destruction and misery and suffering
that your actions are causing.
In other words, take the trouble to learn who your real
opponents are before you tie yourself to their strings
and become their guilty slave.
(abandoning hope that humanity will ever shun the
fear and greed mongers long enough to find...)
PS: Albert Einstein defined "stupidity" as "repeating the
identical actions and expecting different results".
Seeing all the repub-lie-cons and teabaggers once
again locking into a zombie goose step with the same
old tired, redundant, paranoid, self loathing, hate bating,
"blame the government" party platform lies has convinced
me that these people are among the stupidest human
impersonators to have ever walked the planet. Seeing
the way that so many normally brilliant people can switch
off their brains the second they are called to intelligently
consider the implications and realities of their political
philosophies astounds me to no end, which made it
especially nice to find that there at least a few of the
graybeard people still keeping the memories alive
out there:
PSS: Just to note, I didn't introduce the "brown shirt"
term to the recent conversations. It came up (as a vastly
more tenuous and unfounded association) when one
of the talking point automatons was running the standard
denial of reality program on the long running history
of atrocities in genocide and war and starvation and
torture and assassination and terrorism and globally
outsourced violent exploitation that can be directly
attributed to the corrupt corpo-rapist cult of capitalism.
PSSS: Ironically, the factual history of the motives and
causes behind the Boston Tea Party are yet another
example which exposes the capitalist lies that we've
been sold. Turns out the original tea party protests were
not about excessive taxation at all, but about the fact
that a taxation had been created for the sole purpose
of undermining the free market to serve the monopolist
interests of a corporation.
-- The East India Trading company, the most pervasive
global cor-pirates of the era, had lobbied (coerced &
bribed) the British government to impose a tea tax.
Having the (taxpayer expense) imperialist government
militias enforce the new laws they bought would
criminalize the free (and now "black") markets in tea
at every port, insuring the East India company a total
monopoly over the tea trade. (Did I mention that the
militias enforcing the monopoly were maintained at
taxpayer expense?) The American colonists weren't
protesting that they didn't have representation, they
were protesting that they could never buy the same
corrupted representation that the mega wealthy
mega-republicorps exploited.
-- Real interesting is that this is a nearly direct
corollary to the Amendment_1 issue. Seems to
share some aspects of the prohibition laws our
country has suffered, too.
-- Even more interesting and appropriate that even
the most basic Tea Party identity is every bit the
complete fraud that we should expect of a corporate
sponsored political puppet movement!
> --
> --
> James P. Kinney III
> I would rather stumble along in freedom
> than walk effortlessly in chains.
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