[ale] VOTING ALERT: Protect Your Freedom to Work!
Damon L. Chesser
damon at damtek.com
Tue Nov 2 10:59:51 EDT 2010
On Tue, 2010-11-02 at 09:19 -0400, dude-aaron-omy wrote:
> In researching the candidates and issues for voting my
> (paper, no reason required absentee) ballot today,
> I discovered a serious election fraud issue that affects
> everyone on this list, but most especially those who work
> as contractors.
> Georgians need to protect their essential freedom to pursue
> a livelihood by voting voting NO on AMENDMENT_1.
> Amendment_1 is a direct attack on the Free Market that
> removes constitutional provisions which protect workers
> from the extortion and entrapment of unrestricted corporate
> non-competition contracts.
> The election fraud is that many voters won't know this fact
> because the ballot description for Amendment_1 directly
> contradicts the wording and intent of this republican led
> attack on our most basic freedom. This blatant election fraud
> is allowed under Georgia law because the republican
> controlled State judiciary declared 2 years ago that the
> amendment descriptions appearing on the ballot do not
> need to have any correlation to the actual content of the
> amendments being voted on.
> Worse, now that the republican stacked U.S. Supreme
> Corruption has declared (in their infinite delusion) that
> lifeless corporate charter papers are the equivalent of living,
> breathing human beings, the entire state of Georgia is being
> blanketed with fraudulent robo calls promoting Amendment_1
> that come from corporate front organizations whose business
> names and scripted claims are entirely antithetical to the
> actual freedom destroying intent and affect of the legislation
> they urge you to support.
> Once again we find that corporations hate free markets
> (and especially free labor markets) almost as much as their
> puppet republican party whores and their jack booted
> teabagger brown shirt puppets hate the constitutional
> government institutions that protect our freedoms. Don't
> let the rabid, corporate whore republicans undermine your
> freedom and your right to earn a fair wage in the career
> of your choosing. Vote NO on Amendment_1!
I am one of those "teabagger brown shirt puppets". Arron is right on
this amendment. It would give the business the right to have you sign a
non-compete (which right they have now) but the amendment would allow
them to be overly broad and effective for two years. Currently, if you
sign a overly broad NC, the court would over rule it. The new amendment
would effectively force you not to work in an industry (IT?) for two
years. You would be forced not to change jobs for a better offer until
after the NC time period has ended (again, two years). There would be
no reason to increase your pay, because, again, the competitor could not
hire you away for two years after you stopped working for the first guy.
Aron, please TRY to not paint in such a huge brush.
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