[ale] lost a cpu core

Raylynn Knight seca900rider at gmail.com
Fri Mar 19 12:28:16 EDT 2010

Geoffrey if you try the install on external drive and still have
problems let me know.  I also have a MacBook Pro and could try booting
your external install on mine.  This would help indicate whether it is
a problem with the distro or your MacBook.


On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 11:23 PM, Richard Bronosky <Richard at bronosky.com> wrote:
> What's cool about the external drive approach is that you are given a
> 2 step of testing for free. Find a few friends with MBPs and have them
> boot off the drive too.
> On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 8:18 PM, Geoffrey <lists at serioustechnology.com> wrote:
>> Richard Bronosky wrote:
>>> The MBP will boot off an external drive. I think you would save
>>> yourself some time by installing 64bit RHEL 5.4 on a spare drive and
>>> checking that out.
>> I've still got the 5.4 kernel, but same problem with I boot it.  But I
>> don't know if there's something else going on with the rest of the 5.5
>> stuff that might be causing an issue.
>> I think I'll give your suggestion a shot and see what happens.
>> --
>> Until later, Geoffrey

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