[ale] LUG at GT Meeting - 03.10.2010 - IRC (room change!)

Ryan Curtin ryan at igglybob.com
Tue Mar 9 13:01:35 EST 2010

The Linux Users Group at Georgia Tech presents

  by Kurtis Nelson

March 10th, 2010, 7:00 PM
Klaus Advanced Computing Building, room 2456


  Bip, the IRC proxy and Irssi, the highly extensible command line IRC client
will be covered along with a brief overview on how IRC works and some cool
hacks/addons that can go on top of the protocol including Bitlbee and Eggdrop.

Upcoming meetings:

  - 2010.03.17: Meeting Lite
  - 2010.03.31: Open Source Diversions
  - 2010.04.03: Installfest 45
  - 2010.04.07: Webmin

Note the room change -- Space Planning finally reserved a room for us.

Hope to see you there!

Ryan Curtin       | "The mighty hand of vengeance, sent down to strike
ryan at igglybob.com | the unroadworthy!"  - The Nightrider

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