[ale] TFTP Firewall Funny

John Mills johnmills at speakeasy.net
Tue Jun 1 12:22:30 EDT 2010

ALErs -

I have TFTP service running on two systems: one SuSE-10.2 desktop and one 
Ubuntu-9.04 desktop. I find I can copy a file by TFTP from the Ubuntu 
system to the SuSE system only if the firewall of the SuSE system (the 
requesting side) is disabled. There is no such restriction going the other 
direction: it works with both firewalls enabled.

I do notice that for some reason I cannot unconditionally enable incoming 
UDP at port 69 of the SuSE system (this setting just doesn't seem to be 
preserved by the YAST firewall control panel), but I don't know if this 
should matter.

It's more a matter of interest than actual need, but can anyone suggest 
what's going on here?

  - Mills

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