[ale] SQL insert from another database

Chris Fowler cfowler at outpostsentinel.com
Fri Jul 23 11:04:50 EDT 2010

I've got an employee that is starting in SQL but does not know perl.  He
wants to copy rows from one database to another.  I would do this in SQL
or even SQL + Perl but I want to figure out how we could do this in just

Here is a sample table.

  user_id  int,Primary,auto increment

In scenerio one we want to delete all users in A and copy B to A.

delete from A.users;
insert into A.users select * B.users;

That works very well especially when there is no data in A.users.  

Here is the scnerio I want to do in SQL.

 1, Joe
 2, Susan

 1, Scott
 2, Jack

I want to copy B.users.* into A.users.  But they users has a primary
key.  1,Scott would not be allowed to be copied?

insert into A.users (name) select B.users.name

Does that seem like it is the right way?


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