[ale] Free, trustworthy, anti-virus software

Jim Lynch ale_nospam at fayettedigital.com
Wed Jul 21 16:14:35 EDT 2010

Michael Trausch wrote:
> Perhaps y'all can help me to understand something: what good does a 
> software "firewall" do on Windows? They can be easily programmatically 
> disabled by stealth software, so I fail to see the point.  Seems to me 
> that its better to whitelist the outbound connections by destination 
> port on a real firewall at the network edge, since most baddies will 
> use non-standard ports anyway.
That's fine and perfectly acceptable for a home installation, however 
when I go on the road with my laptop, I'm not likely to take a router or 
other hardware firewall with me.


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