[ale] I am so tired of Linux Fanatics

Scott McBrien smcbrien at gmail.com
Wed Jul 7 13:51:49 EDT 2010

I will say that you shouldn't judge all channels on freenode by your experience.  I spend a fair amount of time in #rhel, and for the most part, if you've done a little bit of research on your own, are asking for help on the right distro, and provide the answers to diagnostic questions, they're pretty reasonable.  Sure, there's occasionally a sidebar on bacon, but it's not an unwelcome change of subject.

Like most clubs, or communities, it's about finding one that you enjoy and that attracts people with similar interests.


On Jul 7, 2010, at 1:36 PM, jrtroberts <jrtroberts at gmail.com> wrote:

> This venting is from my experience on the freenode ##linux channel
> Being a new user to Linux I am feeling very militant at the moment.  I 
> wouldn't mind a live internet feed featuring the torture and death of 
> smug, violent, self righteous Linux fanatics that attack the least bit 
> of ignorance from a new user. If I knew of a way to put an end to it I 
> would, but sadly I don't.  (well maybe non-violent communication).  I 
> know this self-righteous attitude is also a part of any 'camp' be it 
> windows, mathematics, OS X, science, gaming.  There are those that 
> believe that somehow they are superior for understanding something that 
> is seen as complex to others, and even though they were most likely 
> taught by someone else, they refuse to politely offer information.
> They have to intimidate, undermine the efforts of, and nearly obliterate 
> the self confidence of any new user who does not understand what is 
> going on in the linux world.  Honestly it makes me ill, and I almost 
> don't want to be a part of the linux community because of it.
> The OS is too complicated and granular for even advanced Windows users 
> to step into quickly.  The manuals can be a  vast, sparsely written, 
> codex of geek speak that requires an interpreter for most non-geek 
> non-technical users to understand.  Combine this with the attitudes of 
> many linux users and it makes learning about this fabulous operating 
> system feel like walking across a room full of broken glass.  Added to 
> the mix is  the fact that linux is still not a user friendly environment 
> for non-hackers and non-geeks and you still need to be able to handle 
> CLI's comfortably to use the operating system effectively.
> All of the issues with windows, its licenses, the costs, the crashes and 
> memory leaks, the backroom deals, etc. and the effect they can have on a 
> person is more than matched by the vehemence that these over zealous 
> weasels and their neolithic territorial pissing grounds, marking their 
> virtual domains and attacking anyone who doesn't meet with their 
> standards.  They are like hellish gatekeepers to a cyber garden of eden.
> I know this rant probably resembles a temper tantrum from an enraged 3rd 
> grader, but it has really gotten to the point that I am discouraged from 
> exploring any further into this operating system.  I am beginning to 
> hate it because of the blind hatred many linux users have for 'Newbs' or 
> people that are green or curious yet ignorant.  And that hatred and 
> these attacks are coloring my view of linux.  And I am the founder of a 
> Pro Linux group at my former college, which adds to the sick feeling in 
> my gut.
> Anyway I am feeling better after having vented, maybe I will feel better 
> if I actually post this.  Maybe I will also be scathed by ALE members 
> and have to restrain my self from getting into a shouting match with 
> someone in ALE that takes offense to this letter of disgruntlement, 
> however poor the grammar and badly written.
> I think that I am so upset because I go out of my way to help others, no 
> matter how simple the task, or how complicated.  I rarely get annoyed 
> when help others use a computer because I understand that it is a very 
> unnatural act.  Not everyone is wired with the problem solving 
> capabilities and innate curiosity needed to dig into a computer and 
> learn how to work with it, not just use it.  As such I use patience and 
> tolerance, but I don't tolerate people who attack those that are less 
> fortunate or less educated on a topics.  It is immature, selfish, and 
> counter productive.
> Grrrr!! what a pain in the ass.
> Joshua Roberts
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