[ale] Strange USB mouse problem

JK jknapka at kneuro.net
Thu Feb 25 15:38:18 EST 2010

On 2/25/2010 7:38 AM, Calvin Harrigan wrote:

> I have a similar setup/problem on a M4A785-M.  It's a hardware problem.
>    The usb converter/ps2/emulator sometimes conflict with the ps/2
> emulator in the kvm.

Ah... OK.  Well, I can't be sure if the same problem applies here,
but I guess I'll just live with it.  I was glad to discover yesterday
that repeated plug/unplug cycles eventually allowed the kernel to
sense the mouse.

Re Chris's "too much" comment, I've become very attached to my
little "command center" -- three machines, one wireless mouse/kbd,
one monitor.  Don't have much interest in going with a separate
mouse/kbd just for this one machine, esp. since I now have a


-- JK

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