[ale] nomachine-Closed source?

Brian Pitts brian at polibyte.com
Wed Dec 22 11:28:24 EST 2010

On 12/22/2010 06:52 AM, Paul Cartwright wrote:
> does this matter to anyone??
> An anonymous reader writes "NoMachine has sneakily revealed it is
> closing its source of the NX compression technology with NX 4.0: 'This
> release marks an important milestone in the history of the company.
> Version 4.0 of the software, in fact, will be only available under a
> closed source license.'"

Prior to v4, the libraries as well as some programs (e.g. the nxagent)
used by NoMachine's NX implementation were open source [0], but
NoMachine's server and client were both closed source. For v4, if they
are no longer releasing anything as open source, that's bad news for
FreeNX and NeatX (two open source implementations of an NX server). They
both use code from NoMachine (FreeNX to a greater extent, I think). I'm
not sure how this would affect the open source clients; I get the
impression most people used NoMachine's closed source client anyway.

[0] http://www.nomachine.com/sources.php

All the best,
Brian Pitts

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