[ale] young linuxer becomes an old fart.. sort of

Chuck Payne terrorpup at gmail.com
Wed Aug 18 09:46:30 EDT 2010

I am happy that openSUSE didn't make the list of things to complain
about. To me, 40's is the new 20's. Anyway, you are only old as you
think are, that why I am still 17 every year.


On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 9:38 AM, Jim Kinney <jim.kinney at gmail.com> wrote:
> Please ignore the off gassing of the ALE really old farts. And don't stand
> downwind of them.
> As I approach 50 and look back on thirty, I realize now that real adult life
> begins about that time. My wife will be happy when I finally grow up. I'm
> figuring 80 is a good age to grow up. :-)
> Pick a distro and post some issues so everyone can rag you about how you
> picked the wrong distro !  You need something with the slow updates like
> Debian, the user-friendly but brokenness of Ubuntu and Fedora, the slow,
> stability and ancient desktop like RedHat, the package management of
> Slackware and the build times of Gentoo, all wrapped up in a Windows only
> installer! BWAHAHAHAHA!
> And Scott, Jeff, Jerald and Pete used to do binary math scratching in the
> dirt with dull stick because _pointed_ sticks hadn't been invented yet!
> Actually, I think they were just telling dirty jokes and since it was
> pre-writing times the stick was there just for show.
> :-)
> On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 12:58 AM, Joshua <jrtroberts at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey everyone.
>> I know that I am new to ALE and new to Linux, but I am not new to the
>> world.  Well not new by my standards.
>> On Friday August 20, 2010  I become 30 years old.  My girlfriend, who is
>> a bit younger, considers me an old fart, so I would continue the joke
>> here.
>> Hope you all are having a good one and I will try to as well.
>> Joshua.
>> P.S.  Old fart my ass, my life is just getting started.
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> --
> --
> James P. Kinney III
> I would rather stumble along in freedom than walk effortlessly in chains.
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