[ale] Decent low-cost AGP graphics card for a server

John Mills johnmills at speakeasy.net
Wed Aug 4 14:42:13 EDT 2010

Greg -

Depending on where the server will live and where your chair is, another 
option would be exporting your desktop with *VNC and logging in remotely. 
I have a dinosaur server that only supports 800x600 display at its MB, but 
vncserver doesn't depend on the graphics card.

I recall an old, _old_ ALE thread on VNC exporting a regular X11 login 
panel if you want a "real" session: _someone_ on ALE probably remembers 
how to do that.

Just a thought.

  - Mills

On Wed, 4 Aug 2010, Greg Freemyer wrote:

> I'm rebuilding an old server into a linux fileserver.  (It was windows 
> before.)

> I've got it running fine with text, but no X graphics at all yet.

> I occasionally like to startx and use a gui even on a server, so I'd 
> like to get X working.

> The MB on this thing is only PCI or AGP.

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