[ale] OT: ISP (sick of AT&T, yes, me too)
Tom Freeman
tfreeman at intel.digichem.net
Tue Aug 3 16:51:27 EDT 2010
Although I have had to drop Speakeasy due to speed issues (144K symmetric
isn't exactly fast) I will second, third, or fourth them as a fantastic
outfit. Speakeasy support has been pleasant, informal, knowledgable, and
able to please without calling in a special support function for anything.
The person you get first pretty much has the authority to do what ever is
needed, and probably has the experience to handle the authority.
Unfortunenately, they couldn't break through this part of Charlotte, and I
don't know the relevant portions of phone law to force the issue. So now
I get RoadRunner Business class, which is an improvement in speed, and a
slight improvement in customer service from their record several years
ago with my daughter's account. Not much improvement mind you.
On Tue, 3 Aug 2010, Jim Kinney wrote:
> Speakeasy is fantastic. They understand Linux. They don't block ports. Their
> support (the rare occasion when you need it) speaks with a Washington state
> accent. Every person person that answers the technical support line is an
> ENGINEER not a script reading newbie.
> It will not be the least expensive of everything else being offered. But it
> will be worth the extra $3-5/mo it costs over comparable plans elsewhere.
> Static IP's are available and they are rolling out full IPv6 support now.
> Sure I can get Comcast business Internet for a few $$ less than my 8M down
> 2M up DSL from Speakeasy, but then I'd have Comcast. Yes it would be faster.
> But it would still be Comcast.
> In the now 8 years I've used Speakeasy, they have not changed the ToS except
> to broaden my access and privileges (which was hard since it was pretty much
> "don't spam or try and break into other peoples computer systems using our
> network").
> Good people with good service at a reasonable price to support both.
> Hardware for my area (Tucker) support a bare DSL line.
> On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 1:19 PM, Asher Vilensky <ashervilensky at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I know that this was discussed plenty of times in the past, but
> I couldn't find it in the archive. Anyway, while AT&T DSL is
> the cheapest, they keep pulling the plug on me. They change the
> modem password (on their side) without prior notification to the
> customer. They say they're doing it for security reasons. You
> can be running happy every day, but if you disconnect-reconnect
> with your modem when they changed the password, you're toast
> (they have a web interface to address that, but it didn't work
> for me). Anyway, I wish to fire them. Here are my
> circumstances:
> - I don't have cable in the house nor I intend to order one.
> - I live within the Atlanta city limits (intown).
> - I don't need huge bandwidth. The 3 MBPS download from the
> DSL did it ok (until people in the house started streaming
> Netflix movies recently). So anything <10 MBPS would suffice.
> What are my options?
> Thanks.
> -- Asher
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> --
> James P. Kinney III
> I would rather stumble along in freedom than walk effortlessly in chains.
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