[ale] XFS on Linux - Is it ready for prime time?

Lightner, Jeff jlightner at water.com
Thu Apr 22 15:46:03 EDT 2010

Interesting Dell blog:

What I find interesting is that they complain that no one contacted them
about the 20-30% failure rates reported in the press but then don't
bother to provide their own numbers.  

Statements like: "return rates for SSDs are in line with our
expectations for new technology" hardly give one a warm fuzzy about

-----Original Message-----
From: ale-bounces at ale.org [mailto:ale-bounces at ale.org] On Behalf Of Pat
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2010 3:28 PM
To: Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts - Yes! We run Linux!
Subject: Re: [ale] XFS on Linux - Is it ready for prime time?

On 04/22/2010 03:00 PM, Greg Clifton wrote:
> Any feedback on the SSD question? They are inherently more reliable
> at least an order of magnitude), no? Read and Write Performance is
> up as well as capacities, and prices are coming down. A multi TB SSD
> array is probably not something that most of us could afford to park
> home just yet, but maybe in another 2-5 yrs?

Theoretically an SSD should be very reliable.  In practice I am having 
poor luck with my Intel X25-M.

I bought it sometime around November.  It stopped being detected by the 
BIOS in my Dell laptop some time in early February.  The replacement 
drive just did the same thing, this time in my (way too) shiny new HP 
dv8t laptop.  We'll see how long the next one lasts when it gets here...

I'm especially disappointed because I was thinking about adding a second

X25 to the second drive bay in this gigantor laptop and running a RAID

Two failures in six months have me thinking I'd be restoring from backup

would be occurring WAY too often.  The RMA process also has me 
questioning whether I even want to own another drive from Intel.  I had 
to call them back a second time on each failure to actually get them to 
successfully email me an RMA number.  I figured confirming my email 
address three separate times on this RMA attempt would be enough...

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