[ale] Using giant matrix in Matlab

Ed Cashin ecashin at noserose.net
Mon Nov 23 15:23:04 EST 2009

On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 10:56 AM, Rev. Johnny Healey <rev.null at gmail.com> wrote:
> Is this a sparse matrix or a dense matrix?

For 22,267^8 elements, that's a great question.

60435716178376869169877709157801441 elements, even if each is
represented by a single byte, requires 53677698888756059476 PiB
(pebibytes, old-school petabytes) of storage.

Google says the world population is 6692030277 now.  If everybody on
Earth had 8021138080 PiB of data storage, together we could store
that matrix.  ;)

Seriously, though.  I doubt my own math.  This takes hugeness to
another level.  Twenty two thousand plus raised to the eighth power
seems intractably large.

  Ed Cashin <ecashin at noserose.net>

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